About us
We are fast, accurate, smart and targeted
Gepardo stands for ‘cheetah’ in the universal worldwide language Esperanto. Cheetahs work quickly, accurately and purposefully. Like a cheetah, Gepardo goes straight for its target, it prepares well before starting the ‘attack‘ and will work fast and focused but adjust course if necessary. In the logo, you can see the shape of a stylised cheetah’s nose.
Agile, precise and focused, that is what we stand for and what is woven into the name.
We recruit, select & second
Gepardo recruits the best healthcare interoperability experts for companies that are looking for just the candidate they need for specialist work. We search beyond our own borders and continue until we have found the best candidate.
With these thoughts in mind, we start recruiting.
In a short, no-obligation conversation, you will know whether we can help you!

What we can do for you
This is what Gepardo is all about
There is a great demand for highly skilled and driven talents. Instead of competing for the rare available resources we add new experienced and skilled professionals to the Dutch pool of resources. We recruit and staff candidates from the Netherlands and all over the world. We have 20 years of experience in the administrative and legal aspects of hiring expats.
We recruit and second only the best candidates by using strict selection procedures. We can take the responsibility for the formal employment, including the associated administrative and financial obligations. When needed we take care of the immigration procedure for the candidate and, if applicable, his or her family.